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Debbie, I received my Physics Bachelor's three years ago, and encountering that narrow attitude convinced me not to use my degree. Reading QD let me realize this May that I really wanted to earn a PhD. It's because those of you I liked the most had cultivated your outside interests. I needed to see the kind of physicists I wanted to be like. Wish you'd been there in 2002 ;)


Debbie, I received that Chronicle of Higher Education article from a friend at Fermilab, who had gotten it from you. As a result I posted about it and issue in general over at Cosmicvariance.com. The resulting thread has garnered over 100 comments and is very enlightening....in short, it shows just how far we have yet to go. However, one comment pointed out that Princeton has a policy where any assistant prof, no matter which gender, must take MANDATORY maternity leave with a stoppage of the tenure clock. Apparently, this has gone a long ways toward ending the perception that women scientists with children are not genuinely dedicated. It has been noted that both genders have children.


Thanks for the link! For those who don't already know it, the thread is at

The fact that Princeton makes maternity leave mandatory is amazing! It's great to see a glimpse of the future like that...I also wonder how long we have to wait before Princeton's policy becomes the rule instead of the exception.

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